Saturday, March 3, 2012

This weird dream I had

A script for a single page comic based on a strange dream of mine

Dream comics

Panel 1: A woman is sitting in an opulent house. The interior is half garden/sun room naturalistic and otherworldly with grass and flower beds instead of carpet lush green everywhere and curving stone walls with an arched ceiling, no furniture except for a low modern looking couch against one wall and sleek coffee table made from the same stone as the rest of the home. her clothes are shiny futuristic robes

Panel 2: Zoom in to the plush couch. she’s reading a book with foreign symbols and strange hieroglyphs, some type of primitive sci-fi comic?  A bowl of fresh exotic looking fruits is on the table.

Panel 3: She looks up, there’s a knock at the door

Panel 4: Opens door outside a guest in a mask and heavy overcoat is standing on a grey side walk, the air out doors looks smoggy and foreboding, he comes inside

Panel 5: Shot of the street as he walks in, every surface is covered in concrete,  identical rows of grey pyramid shapes homes as far as the eye can see, no signs of life, clouds of smog and exhaust churn above, its a complete wasteland

Panel 6 She shuts the door behind him, He removes coat and mask to reveal similar opulent robes, he's glad to be out of his heavy gear

Panel 7: Inside of their sanctuary they sit on the couch and enjoy the clean air in the garden and admire the flowers we notice that some of the arc’s and designs on the stone walls are not actually stone, they seem to be mechanical and make it possible for life to exist in this environment

Panel 8: she smiles, glad to have him home ,and goes back to her comic book

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