Saturday, March 3, 2012

Slice of Life

A script for a 2 page comic based on an encounter I witnessed at Mega-con

Panel 1: A group of 4 dorky young teens dressed in shabby costumes, stand near the wall away from the crowd, sipping mountain dew and excitedly discussing all the cool stuff they've seen, completely geeking out, it seems to be their first time at a convention like this. the the 2 girls are in homemade costumes one from an anime I don't recognize fluffy skirt and cutesy mismatched crap, the other has a short purple wig and shredded hot topic t-shit, I think she's ramona flowers. The guys are dressed to match their girl friends the chubby greasy one is in some kind of kimono like robe with cloth dog ears (inuyasha?) the one is super scrawny and pimple faced in a green t-shit and jeans (scott pilgram)

Panel 2: "PILGRAM!" A hulking 30 year old man dressed as one of ramona flowers evil ex's burst through the crowd

Panel 3: "eeeeeeee! omg real larping!" the girls squeal. scott pilgrim looks panic-stricken

Panel 4: inuyasha silently takes his soda as the girls push him forward "battle him! go! go! go! do it!"

Panel 5: "BLAAAAAAARRRG!" the grown man cries swinging a foam weapon and the un-suspecting  15 year old

Panel 6: it thumps loudly against his puny chest he looks back at his friends pleadingly

Page 2

Panel 7:" GET HIM SCOTT!" yells Ramona, weirdly into this "you are WEAK Pilgram!"taunts the grown man from behind

Panel 8: pilgram scrunches his face up with determination and uncertainly swings mock punches at the evil ex

Panel 9: "GUH! ARG! UGH" the man cries

Panel 10: encouraged by their apparent imaginary effectiveness lets loss a slow motion assault "hi-yah!" "take that" "bam!" he exclaims meekly

Panel 11: "AUUUUUUUGH! I AM SLAIN!" cries the grown man collapsing into an awkward heap of jelly on the floor, scott pilgram quickly runs back to his friends

Panel 12: his friends give him a hero's welcome, high fives and pats on the back all around "that was the coolest thing I've ever seen" ramona swoons

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