Saturday, March 3, 2012

Aseop's Fable

A short 2 page script based on Aseop's fable of the fox and the grapes

Page 1

Panel 1: a fox walks through the forest thinking to himself how hungry he feels
Panel 2: “I’ll cut through the orchard and find something to eat there” he say running down a path in the woods
Panel 3: he searches the barren winter branches of the trees in the orchard
Panel 4: he spots a single succulent bunch of grapes hanging from a vine on a tree branch
Panel 5: …..a tree branch nearly 20 feet in the air on a massive old oak …
Panel 6: “perfect! Now just to claim my prize” the fox thinks licking his lips in anticipation
Panel 7: he runs back a few steps …..
Panel 8: JUMPS!.....
Panel 9:...and falls ridiculously short, the grapes are far out of reach

Page 2

Panel 1: he growls with frustration and runs back further, crouches and sprints to the tree
Panel 2: he leaps into the air with all his might!!
Panel 3: but once again fails spectacularly
Panel 4: He snarls with rage snapping at the air
Panel 5: He runs back out of sight
Panel 6: he puts his ears down he squints with focus
Panel 7: digging his paws into the soft dirt
Panel 8: he shoots out like a fire ball…leaps into the air with every fiber of his being his every want and desire focused onto the fruit dangling precariously within his reach!!!!
Panel 9: CRASH! INTO THE TRUNK ON THE TREE! The grapes remain untouchable
Panel 10: He whirls around howling with fury and cursing!
Panel 11: He walks storms back into the woods in a huff
Panel 12:  with a bitter look back “I bet those grapes where sour anyway!”

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