Monday, April 23, 2012

Final Script

Page 1

In bathroom, Olivia is digging through the empty medicine cabinet Clyde scampers ou of sight.  Irene and Jeff sit on couch in the next room.

Panel1: Okay you guys seriously? Not Cool.

Panel 2: Which one of you has been in the medicine cabinet….. *she sticks her head out to look in the next room, Clyde runs unnoticed  to the ground*

Panel 3  Again?

Panel 4: shot of the room clyde darting along the baseboard  “This Stealing has to stop!”

Panel 5: Irene I know you’ve been using my hair mousse!
-Whateva I look damn good *clyde dives under the couch with a wheel of pills

Panel 6: and Jeff I thought you quit smoking?
-Im on the patch! *he is covered in nicorette

Page 2

Panel 1: “The 3 of you are behaving like ANIMALS!’ she stomps her foot down in frustration

Panel 2: wait a minute….1..2….where’s Clyde?

Panel 3 EEEEEEK!  Clyde jumps out and runs screaming after the pink wheel of pills

Panel 4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!  Olivia screams AHHH! Holy shit!

Panel 5 she looks at the pills scattered across the carpet “Goddamit Clyde! All of my birth control pills?”

Panel 6 she slumps to the floor “This isn’t working out”

Page 3

Panel 1 Olivia: “I should have never let Sage talk me into this”

Panel 2  Irene: “Yeah well you haven’t been the perfect roommate either!”

Panel 3 Clyde: You don’t even keep good snacks EEEEEEk!

Panel 4: Olivia “I saved you from a life of bondage and cruel experimentation! You guys should be grateful!”

Panel 5: Jeff : “That’s not how I remember it….”

Page 4  One Week earlier

 Two scientists in white coats stand in a lab, pens of mice and rabbits fill the room around them but one is suspiciously empty, they fail to notice though they’re reading charts fastidiously

Panel 1:  Sci: 1 Subject number 634 seems stable

Panel 2   Sci 2: Yes, minimal swelling and bleeding around application site, looks good. Sci 1: Run the standard toxicicity tests in the lab tommorow

Panel 3 Sci 1: “Lets just check in on the primates and call it a night”

Panel 4: Irene wipes makeup off her face “So tacky!”

Panel 5: She removes a bobby pin hidden in her hair

Panel 6: she picks the lock to her cage “Ha!  Easy, now to free the others!”

Page 5

Panel 1: Jeff is straped to a chair in another part of the lab watching a screen filled with cartoons. We see a vent behind him  and a window to another room where the two scientists talk over charts

Panel 2: Close up of screen from jeffs pov mindless shapes and colors swirl around

Panel 3: Sci 1:“Interesting…”

Panel 4:  Sci 2: “So cartoons DO make you stupider!”  Sci 1: “Still not as bad as comicbooks though”

Panel 5:  Sci 1: “I think we have all the results we need, schedule #576 here for disposal in the morning” Sci 2: “sure thing”

Panel6: Close up on Jeffs face “so the rumors were true! I hope Clyde and Irene hurry!”

Page 6

Outside the lab 3 people slip under the fence and approach the lab from the outside, sipping beer and laughing among themselves

Panel 1: Olivia: “Are you guys sure this is a good idea? Can’t we just picket, or pass out flyers or something?”

Panel 2 Dante: “The time for peaceful protest is over Liv-hiccup!” he slurs and gestures with his bottle of beer

Panel 3: Dante: “If we want to help our animal brothers we have to take RADICAL ACTION!”  Sage: “Right on Dante!”

Panel 4: He throws a bottle through the window “LIBERATION NOOOOOOW!” alarms begin to sound and the glass shatters

Panel 5: The three of them scramble inside laughing stupidly Olivia: “what the fuck is wrong with you 2?”

Page 7

Panel 1: Jeff here’s the crash “oh no, what was that?” something is chewing through the vent above

Panel2:  Clyde burst through the vent ”EEEEK” Jeff: “Clyde! Thank god!”

Panel 3:  Clyde runs down and chews through the straps on the chair Jeff: “Thank you friend!”

Panel 4: Irene walks in the door opening it with a bobby pin: “Clyde, Jeff? Are you guys in here?”

Panel 5: Jeff jumps down from the table  “Irene! You made it! Quickly there’s no time to lose!”

Panel 6:  They go out into the main hall, the alarm is sounding from the broken window Irene: “Why is the alarm going off….something is wrong.”  Clyde: “EEEK”  Jeff: “Just stick to the plan, freedom awaits just outside this corridor!”

Page 8

Dante Olivia and Sage are running down the hall , they see flashing lights from outside

Panel 1:  Dante: “Oh shit the cops!”  Olivia: “Well duh! This was such a terribe idea!”

Panel 2: they run around a dark corner Dante: “Quick this way! We’ll run out the back door!”

Panel 3: They suddenly collide with a rabbit, chimp, and stressed out mouse *WOOMF*

Panel 4:  Dante “Oh woah you poor little dudes!”Sage: “BUNNY!”  Olivia: “Oh wow these poor animals”

Panel 5:  Jeff reaches for Dantes cigar

Panel 6: Over come with emotion Dante scoops Jeff up ,Sage grabs Irene and Clyde crawls on Olivia’s shoulder “DON”T WORRY LITTLE BRO, WE’LL SAVE YOU!”

Panel 7: They quickly run out the back exit with animals in tow as the sirens get louder

Panel 8: They disappear into the night

Page 9


At Olivia’s apartment Sage and Dante have shown up at the door with bad news about their “rescue animals”

Panel 1 Sage Dante, and Olivia are standing near the entrance Jeff Irene and Clyde wander around the living room Dante: “Yeah you know me and Sage would love to keep them, but our van’s just too small!”

Panel 2: Sage: And we know how you’ve been wanting a roommate!

Panel 3: Dante: “Plus you know like rehabilitating lab animals, dismantling the war machine and all that good stuff”

Panel 4: Olivia: “well I mean I guess I could keep them for a few days mayb-“

Panel 5: Sage/Dante: OMG Olivia Thank you! You guys will have a blast!” BYE!

Panel 6: DOOR SLAM

Panel 7: Olivia: Um…..later.

Panel 8: Looks around at animals uneasily Olivia: “So….you guys want to watch cartoons?”